
Mom of many trying to nurture herself, family and environment naturally

Where does the time go?


Here is a time lapse video of our most recent hatch in April 2016.  Six of the seven eggs we incubated, hatched successfully.  Much like our hatch last year.  And it appears, much like last year, we might have an even split of boys and girls.

Here is a picture of the gang now, at about 4 weeks old!  The days are flying by!IMG_2327.JPGFrom Left to Right we have: Pepper, Derpy, April, DOS 2.0, Tigger, and Glory.

We are pretty sure that Pepper, DOS, and Tigger are boys (boohiss).  Figures!  They have the coolest feather patterns, oh well.  Haven’t decided yet whether we will try to rehome them, or make them dinner when they get more meat on their bones.  Either way its kind of a bummer. 😦

Thankfully, Derpy appears to be a female, so all that hard work the first week to keep her alive and her legs adjusted (see previous blog Derpy’s Success Story) will pay off with future yummy eggs!  🙂

The little ones are no longer segregated from the rest of the flock, but still small enough to squeeze through our “pasture” perimeter fence, which has made for some interesting hide and seek adventures lately, but they are thriving and always come running when they see me (mealworm treats for the win!)

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